Frauenverein Männedorf - it's THE place to meet people!
With more than 500 members, Männedorf’s local women’s association Frauenverein Männedorf, addresses all the women in the immediate vicinity.
Most of our members have their roots in Männedorf. Some are stationed here for a limited period of time and others are "newcomers” to our community. Our common denominator however, is that we are all women!
Where as some of us come from foreign places/countries and have different cultural backgrounds, others speak a different language or a different dialect. Some of us are old, some of us are young, but all in all, we are women who enjoy meeting other women. We are women who appreciate getting out of the house once in a while and who like to plunge into new and exciting activities. Have you for example ever tried baking bread in a wood burning oven? Do you enjoy challenging hikings in the Swiss mountains or would you prefer a pleasant stroll along one of Switzerland’s many lakes or cities? Do you like to cook? Would a day in a spa interest you or would you prefer a coffee and a chat in the local coffee shop? Frauenverein Männedorf can offer you all of this and much more!
As a non-profit organisation all our work is carried out on a voluntary basis. Any profits are donated to charity. We offer our members a large range of activities and welcome active members as well as passive members.
Pia Brovinius
Rüth Lüthard
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